beste podcasts englisch

If you want more English listening practice before you try out the podcasts we recommend below, check out the videos in FluentU’s vast library. There’s so much variety here that you’ll be really spoiled for choice (have a lot of choices). Creativa provides premium, highly produced videos for learning English and business communication skills. Creativa provides entertaining videos, useful but unexpected tips, and goes beyond just English to teach you body language, intonation and specific pronunciation tips. There are a lot of techniques you can use while listening to English podcasts that’ll help you to become a master of English listening. Sie können sie sich unter der Dusche, vorm Schlafengehen, auf Ihrem Arbeitsweg und sogar im Fitnessstudio anhören, also was könnte man an ihnen nicht mögen? Even though the What If World podcast was created for kids, I must confess I started listening to it when I was doing research for this post, and now I can’t stop! Die Hauptherausgeberin des meist lustigen Podcasts ist Linda Holmes, die NPR Autorin. Sie sehen, es gibt eine riesige Auswahl an guten englischen Podcasts. Learning a language is a sensory (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) experience! You already know that using podcasts is a great way to improve your listening skills, but do you know how to make the most (use in a way that’ll give the best result) out of them? Here’s a sample video from Creativa’s Mastering Business Video Calls in English course, which has tips for expressing yourself effectively: If you look up new words and learn and review grammar bits you hear in each podcast you listen to, you’ll likely remember them a lot easier in the future. Der beste Weg, um Ihr Hörverstehen zu verbessern, besteht darin, Muttersprachlern beim Sprechen zuzuhören. Download: The most interesting part? One perk (benefit) is that podcasts often have transcripts (a written version of the audio). The title of this scintillating podcast series may be Slow German, but it’s truly … This is a wonderful podcast series that really mixes things up. Simplified Speech is a podcast devoted to natural English conversations at a slow, easy-to-follow pace. There are transcripts, quizzes and vocabulary guidance accompanying each podcast. You have a 100% personalized experience. Repeat them over and over until you get them just right. Über 67 Folgen für alle Niveaustufen (Englisch A1 – C1) stellt Dir der Englisch-Podcast von Quality Time zur Verfügung. Und um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, sind englische Podcasts die perfekten Mittel. Besides, you’ll have a script for every piece of news presented in the podcast, which is perfect if you want to put into practice the tips we gave you before. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. The Google Play store offers up more than 3 million apps. Some are meant to be informative, while others are for pure entertainment value. Learning a language is a process we’ve all gone through in our lives. A nod (reference) to the film series “The Fast & The Furious,” this English podcast focuses on teaching history to kids, but don’t think this is another boring history podcast. It’s time to do one of the things digital marketers do best: Optimize. Presented by Mick Sullivan, this podcast is perfect for intermediate learners of English who want to improve their listening skills and break the intermediate plateau. The recordings also include expert feedback about their performances. Daft sci-fi comedy for all the family, starring Trev and Simon from Saturday morning kids’ TV of yore. You”ll be surprised at how much more you can understand now! Wir haben fünf Podcasts aus den Vereinigten Staaten und fünf aus dem Vereinigten Königreich ausgewählt, sodass Sie sich auf einen Akzent konzentrieren oder von jedem etwas mitnehmen können. The rest of the episode then concentrates on keywords and their uses and meanings. Somit wirst du regelmäßig über neue Folgen benachrichtigt, die du dann automatisch mit deinem MP3-Player synchronisieren kannst. The Past & The Curious is made especially for children and families, so it’s both entertaining (it includes songs) and educational. Mit Ihnen kann man leicht die kleinen Zeitverschwendungen im Laufe eines Tages (beim Pendeln, Warten, Auto fahren, Kochen, Bügeln, etc.) You have the Grammar tab, which takes a specific grammar topic from the podcast and explains it to you in a very clear way and with a lot of examples. Just click on the links below and you’ll find more great resources for improving your English. ESL Podcast has a vast library of episodes (more than 900 and still growing). At FluentU, we love this combination of reading, watching and listening. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Click here to get a copy. If your podcast or music app is too clumsy, you can level up your listen-and-repeat practice with a dedicated looping audio player app. Es handelt sich dabei um einen satirischen Podcast, der aktuelle Geschehnisse in einer urkomischen und wortwitzigen Art und Weise angreift. Not only is this a very effective way to learn, but it’s also fun to hear how other learners are coping with the language. To bring your business English to the next level, the resource that we would most recommend is Creativa. With FluentU’s questions, you can always see more examples for the word you’re learning. Angehörige der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit werden eingeladen, um ihre eigene, wahre Geschichte in weniger als fünf Minuten während der Geschichten-Erzählabende zu schildern. Okay, es gibt auch langweilige Podcasts. If you want to improve your English language skills, but don’t want to look at any more textbooks, I’ve got the answer you’ve been searching for: English podcasts. Using podcasts to improve your English listening skills is one of the best ways to do it if you know how. Every syllable is enunciated (pronounced) clearly. Die Episoden aus der Vergangenheit haben sich zum Beispiel der Frage gewidmet, ob Streaming gut für die Musikbranche ist oder ob eine Einschränkung eine gute Verfahrensweise wäre. What’s really great about the Culips site is that there are several different podcast styles. This is followed by a focus on vocabulary and phrases, and definitions of some of the words you’ve just heard. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. As with conventional (standard) radio programs, each podcast is divided into segments and uses music and sound effects to provide a rich audio experience. A UK true crime podcast with a comedy twist. Lernbegleiter: Ian Antonio Patterson Der beste Weg, um Ihr Hörverstehen zu verbessern, besteht darin, Muttersprachlern beim Sprechen zuzuhören. Or, when someone who lives alone switches on the television at night while they make supper, that’s their white noise. Examples of common English expressions explored in the series include “use your loaf,” “skeletons in the closet” and “take the mickey.”. Hugh Woozencroft, Gregor Robertson and leading football writers from The Times and Sunday Times provide expert analysis of the big issues every Monday and Thursday You can subscribe to The Times and The Sunday Times to enjoy our award … The series assumes the listen already has a reasonable working knowledge of English, but it doesn’t assume too much. Mit seinem 6 Minute English Podcast kreierte die BBC eine amüsante Art, um Englisch zu lernen. Einer der Co-Herausgeber setzt auf ausdauernde Schimpftiraden und der andere wahrt seinen Stolz in seiner Geschicklichkeit mit Worten. Besides, he teaches you funny and interesting historical facts, and he does it in such a fascinating (very interesting) way that you’ll feel you’re inside the story with its main characters. With a little dedication (commitment), English language podcasts can help you quickly improve your listening skills and level. If you prefer to print the text, you can also download it in PDF format, which can be found in the upper, right corner of each episode titled Takeaways. Each episode lasts around 20 minutes and revolves around a crazy question that’s used in order to teach concepts and lessons to children. FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. There’s something for everyone here! Voice of America is an English language news and information service that provides a series of multi-genre (different themes or topics) programs in English. The next section of each podcast provides some culturally relevant (related) information. Tumble is another podcast created for kids. Better @ English is an eclectic (diverse) mix of English language podcasts featuring real conversations with native speakers. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Unlike anything else, this familiarizes the student with the pace of the language and some of its idioms and common expressions. Nominated in the true crime category in the British Podcast Awards 2018. Denke allerdings daran, dass es sich bei den meisten Redewendungen um britisches Englisch handelt. You can sign up for free to see if it’s right for you! Ideas free to stream and download. The series covers the essential (important) language required for every business situation. The core of each podcast is an acted out dialogue between two characters. Hier ist unsere Auswahl der besten Podcasts zum Englischlernen. If you follow the tips we gave you at the beginning of this post and listen to some of the options we’ve given you here, your English listening skills will skyrocket (get a lot better), and you’ll be able to go on to do other stuff you like (like watching series in English) that require better listening abilities. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Mastering Business Video Calls in English, Smart Learning: Top 10 Free Business English Podcasts and Audio Resources, FluentU lets you learn real English. Vor allem die Funktionen Stille automatisch herauszuschneiden, Kapitelmarken, für schlecht abgemischte Podcasts die Möglichkeit von Stereo auf Mono umzuschalten erweitern das gute Grundgerüst deutlich. It recommends you examples and videos based on those words. Still, there are more business podcasts than you could ever listen to. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Optimal Living Daily. The English is spoken at normal speed and transcripts are also available. Tauchen Sie ein, wenn Sie Hyperrealität und Schilderungen über das Leben von einzigartigen Charakteren genießen, denen Sie sonst niemals begegnen würden. TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. It’s never been so easy to learn about English dramas and improve your listening skills at the same time! Luke is a qualified English language teacher and stand-up comedian who provides an engaging and entertaining podcast series. Der Podcast besteht aus echten Leuten, die ihre eigene Geschichte erzählen. These are intelligent, practical and well put together podcasts! FluentU knows the vocabulary that you’re learning. In jeder Episode werden vier zufällige Fakten vorgestellt, mit denen die Betreiber der Show in Kontakt geraten sind. Need more information on English podcasts? Die besten bei so einer großen Auswahl zu finden, ist gar nicht so einfach. White noise is basically sound that’s going on in the background while you’re doing something else. Invisibilia — A Popular Podcast for the Brainy. Wähle deine Sprache und mache den Einstufungstest bei Lingoda. FluentU lets you learn real English. These English language podcasts are accompanied by transcripts and vocabulary notes. Having good pronunciation as well as a large vocabulary is essential for a variety of situations such as using English in school or business English at work. Serial ist ein sachlicher, forschender Journalismus-Podcast, der von Sarah Koenig, der Produzentin von „This American Life“, betrieben wird. © Copright 2020 Lingoda – All Rights Reserved, 4 Schritte zum erfolgreichen Sprachaustausch, 10 lustige deutsche Wörter und ihre Bedeutung, 10 tolle und aktuelle Filme, deren Handlung in Berlin spielt, Tipps & Tricks für einen perfekten Lebenslauf auf Englisch, Spanische Dialekte – Eine kleine Übersicht, 10 Arten “I love you” auf Englisch zu sagen. All the programs are narrated in English and spoken at a reduced speed. Plus, as you already know, learning new vocabulary and grammar is essential to growing as an English language learner. The concluding section of each podcast covers important grammar points. These are acted out in dialogue and are the kind of situations people experience every day. All Rights Reserved. The BBC Learning English podcast is aimed at intermediate and advanced learners of English, but I think anyone can give it a try because the episodes are really short and easy to understand with a transcript. Creativa is a new product from the FluentU team. You may even be able to spot some of their mistakes! helping learners and users, English as a second language for work, develop and keep skills. I highly recommend you give this one a try! Mit Podcasts kannst du dein Englisch verbessern und dich gleichzeitig zu interessanten Themen weiterbilden. (Download). Note that they’re mainly authentic content for native speakers, rather than for ESL learners. Speak like nobody is watching! The scripts are available under the text, so you can read and listen to the story at the same time. Voice of America is a great addition to your collection of learning tools as it adds variety to structured lessons and conversation exposure. Mit Podcasts Englisch üben! From the creators of Radiolab, Pickle is a podcast where adults answer easy and not-so-easy questions for children. Podcasts are now big business. The English audio is spoken at about half of normal speed and is therefore easy to follow as a learner. Business English Pod offers an audio immersion into the language of the business world. Tap on any word to see an image, definition and useful examples. In this post-Serial audio world, journalists, celebrities, academics and yes, anyone else who owns … Listening to real, natural-sounding conversations is a great supplement to classroom and textbook learning. Unsere englischen Lieblings-Podcasts The podcasts offer a fascinating approach to learning the language. This podcast will consistently … Both have PhDs in applied linguistics. Die Audiodateien selbst sind kostenlos verfügbar, das äußerst umfangreiche Zusatzmaterial inklusive Aufgaben, Transkripten und Englisch-Lernmaterialen dahingegen zumindest teilweise kostenpflichtig. Die Story jeder Person wird dann aufgenommen und für Ihr Hörvergnügen online hochgeladen. Then you have the Expressions tab, which analyzes some of the expressions of the news and explains how and where you can use them. Sie nutzen ihr Wissen nicht nur um scharfe Analysen zu produzieren, sondern sind dabei auch noch unglaublich witzig. It teaches you with popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials, 20 Essential American Slang Words for English Learners, 9 Online English Speaking Courses to Become a Confident English Speaker, 8 Ways to Learn Professional English by Living Your Life, 7 English Pronunciation Apps to Speak Clear, Confident English in 2021, Game On! Sind Sie Fußball Fan? Wie der Name bereits vermuten lässt, bietet die Show ein Gespräch über aktuelle kultur-relevante Inhalte wie ein spezifischer Film, ein Buch, eine Fernsehshow oder irgendein anderes bedeutendes Kulturereignis. This English language learning podcast series focuses on everyday phrases and slang. The podcast has been created specifically for children, so the language is simple and the speakers talk slowly and clearly. Außerdem beantworten sie Fragen und E-Mails der Zuhörer. In addition, the lessons offer valuable listening and comprehension practice. Millionaire Mindcast. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play stores. Some are masterpieces, some are duds. The host for the ESL podcast is Dr. Jeff McQuillan and the other voice you’ll often hear belongs to Dr. Lucy Tse. Whether you can barely say “hello” in English or can talk fluently in the language for several minutes, there are some real gems for you here! There is also the Pronunciation and Quiz tabs, where you can practice your speaking and listening comprehension, and finally, you have the Audio Only tab, where you only have the audio and the option to download the episode. Pickle covers a topic in each episode and tries to answer different questions related to it. The Globalist: For A Global Perspective On Breaking News. Learn more. As you might expect, the diction (way of speaking) is perfect. Clyde Lee Dennis. 7 Good Minutes Daily Self-Improvement Podcast with Clyde Lee Dennis. There’s a lot of good accompanying material, some of which can be read beforehand to help you make the most of each lesson. Let’s go down the “short list”... 30 of the top business podcasts you should make time for! The episodes follow a simple structure with the host speaking for a few minutes on a set topic. The premier football podcast from The Times, with the finest writers reviewing and previewing all the action from the 2020/21 season. Sie lachen über sich selbst sowie über normale Menschen, die Fußball lieben, und sind dabei ziemlich lustig – was könnte man daran nicht mögen? The podcasts also include broader discussions of some of the topics. This means that you can listen and read at the same time, or look at a transcript if one part of a podcast confuses you. When you listen to music while you clean the bathroom, that music is your white noise. Their focus is on educational podcasts that are created for native English speakers, so you’ll get great listening practice with casual, naturally spoken English. And, what better way to pass the time during a long commute than by immersing yourself in an entertaining podcast? Englische Podcasts zum Lernen helfen natürlich vor allem beim Hörverständnis, jedoch schulst du alle deine Sprachfähigkeiten von Wortschatz und Grammatik bis hin zur Aussprache und Konversation in echten Gesprächen und Situationen. You can, of course, listen in one sitting; but one of the joys of downloading podcasts is you can pause when you want and pick up where you left off when you’re ready again. With this podcast, intermediate learners of English will be able to learn about things such as friendship, the Romans and even moral dilemmas! If you feel the speaker is talking too fast, try reducing the speed of the audio to 75% (when available). Podcasts für Fans: Potterless, Harry Potter at Home, Nintendo Power Podcast; Zusammengefasst: Englisch lernen kann man auf viele verschiedene Arten: Lesen, Hören und Sehen sind alles gute Möglichkeiten, um sich in dieser Sprache zu verbessern (es hilft schon, englischsprachige Filme im Original anzusehen und Filme zum Englisch Lernen zu verwenden! When you’re ready to start listening to podcasts, you’ll find some of the best ones right in this post! Babies are the fastest learners in the world, and they can learn any language they’re surrounded by (sometimes two or three different languages at once). San Francisco, CA About Podcast This is the official podcast … English language podcasts are an excellent way to learn English quickly. News in Slow English includes different sections that’ll help you to understand the podcasts better and practice their content. Adnan Syed, ihr Ex-Freund, wurde als ihr Mörder verurteilt, nachdem es ihm nicht gelang, den Behörden ein Alibi zu liefern. Official Video for “Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat)” by Jawsh 685 x Jason Derulo. Der große Nutzen ist, dass du sie kostenlos abonnieren kannst. Welcher gefällt Ihnen am besten? 44 ... PLÖTZLICH SCHWANGER. If you want to improve your business English, make sure you check out this list. Three cheers for the UK’s British Council who’ve come up with a very helpful series of English language podcasts for the beginner and intermediate learner! Sie werden jedoch von den fantastischen Podcasts, die wir Ihnen im Folgenden vorstellen, ganz sicher nicht genug bekommen können. The podcasts are presented by hosts who also act out different scenes. There are also podcasts for those who need to learn business English. Diesen Podcast gibt es seit 2007 und viele Zuhörer fühlen sich so, als hörten sie gerade ihren Freunden bei einem Gespräch im Pub zu. If you like learning English through podcasts, then I’ve got to tell you about FluentU. Using a good looping audio player will make it much easier and more efficient for you to learn from the audio resources that you use for listening practice. The podcast News in Slow English is an amazing option to help you to improve your listening skills. The podcasts below tackle every topic under the sun, from breakthroughs in science to YouTube culture to mental health. Der Podcast ist so lustig, dass er durch Tumblr zu Aufmerksamkeit gelangte – also dort, wo die meisten erfolgreichen Internetgeschichten der heutigen Zeit geboren werden. Fine-tune your language skills to perfection by taking time out to listen to Splendid Speaking’s intriguing (interesting) podcasts. He has a warm, engaging voice that draws in the listener. Put down your textbook for a moment and learn from some knowledgeable experts of the English language, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). Each lesson features interviews and discussions with non-native English language speakers. Dann ist „The Football Ramble“ genau das, was Sie brauchen! The 100 Best Android Apps for 2021. ). „La crème de la crème“ in der Podcast-Welt, wie die Franzosen sagen würden! The Catch Word podcasts focus on casual expressions, idioms and slang to make you sound more like a native speaker. The English is spoken a little slower than normal native speed and is therefore quite easy to follow. The hosts of each edition take the listener through a number of different scenarios. Ocean Sounds and Relaxing Music. These podcasts are published weekly, and each one has a bite-sized duration of three to four minutes. The short lessons are conducted (led) entirely in English and feature conversations between two English language speakers. Mit unseren Schülern im Zentrum ist es unsere Mission, selbst den beschäftigtsten Leuten dabei zu helfen, eine Sprache zu meistern und ihr Potenzial voll zu entfalten – egal wo, egal wann. The presentation is lively, upbeat and engaging, and the English dialogues are spoken at near normal speed. His intention is to “make you laugh while you learn” and he provides a rich mix of subject material. Die besten englischen Podcasts für die mittlere Niveaustufe If you want to learn about smells, viruses, human DNA, the moon and even dinosaurs, you’re going to love Tumble. 49 – 1,5 Grad – der Klima-Podcast mit Luisa Neubauer. intelligent ausnutzen. Aufgrund seiner Einzigartigkeit ist es schwer viel über die Handlung von „Welcome To Night Vale“ zu sagen, aber wir ermutigen Sie dennoch dazu, dem Podcast eine Chance zu geben – Sie werden ihn garantiert lieben. Tested » This is Only a Test. It teaches you with popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials: If you want to watch it, FluentU’s probably got it. The podcasts are short, challenging and supported by transcripts, worksheets and vocabulary tasks. Dieser Podcast ist sehr hilfreich und interessant, weil jede Episode Experten einbezieht, die ein brandaktuelles Thema aus den Nachrichten analysieren. FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities. A podcast for the millionaire (or those who want to be), the Millionaire … Sound effects are also frequently (often) used to give the impression that the teachers/speakers are in different locations. You learn not only by looking at the language, but also by hearing it—and one day, smelling, tasting and touching it too. You learn not only by looking at the language, but also by hearing it—and one day, smelling, tasting and touching it too.. Spark London lässt sich von ähnlichen, amerikanischen Podcasts inspirieren, die aufs wirkliche Leben fokussiert sind. The speakers read the news slower than usual, so it’s very easy to follow the audio. They cover a broad range of topics. You must be thinking I’m giving you a lot of listening for kids, but there’s a reason for this. And, the typical format involves two presenters having a conversation with each other. 1. Five episodes of The Globalist … Once a scene has been performed, it’s repeated at a much slower speed. Auf dieser Seite findest du eine Auswahl der besten Podcasts, sowohl Audio als auch Video, aus unserem Verzeichnis. The 16 Best Online Games to Practice English. Learning a language is a sensory (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) experience! Business English Pod provides a good insight into how business is conducted in English-speaking companies. Wir sind der Meinung, dass „Pop Culture Happy Hour“ genau das ist, was Sie sich anhören sollten, während Sie an einem heißen Sommertag oder Sommerabend relaxen. It has interactive captions. We’re all like little children when we start learning a new language! Deshalb stellen wir Ihnen hier die 7 besten Podcasts rund um Unterhaltung und Wissenswertes vor. A quick look at the titles of some of the podcasts reveals such installments as “Doctor Who Episode—Language Analysis,” “The Prawn Story” and “English Premier League Football.”. Der Podcast wird von einem Team herausgegeben, das früher bei Radiolab und „This American Life“ mitgearbeitet hat, um nur einige zu nennen. Lots of people love to squeeze in some quality podcast time during their commutes or even at lunch. Reading the transcript while you listen to a podcast is amazingly beneficial because you’re getting the same information through two different channels (your eyes and your ears), which helps your brain to remember and comprehend more. can take anywhere. Get ready to (re)discover some of the greatest English dramas of all time narrated in a very engaging way and in short five to 10-minute-long episodes! Um Ihnen einen besseren Eindruck zu vermitteln: die letzten Themen beinhalteten „Die älteste bekannte Zahnheilkunde ist 9.000 Jahre alt“, „Es gibt einen Banker in Latvia, der Ihnen Geld leiht, wenn Sie ihm Ihre unsterbliche Seele als Sicherheit versprechen“ und „Die englische Sprache hat mehr Wörter von der hawaiianischen Sprache ausgeliehen als von der walisischen Sprache.“. Dieser Komödien-Podcast handelt in der fiktiven Wüstenstadt Night Vale und zeigt Neuigkeiten, Verkehrsinformationen und Wetterberichte von diesem unwirklichen Ort. In the audio section, there’s a weekly global news program, a science documentary section, programs about the history of America and American life and a series on American English idioms. Mit den Waffeln einer Frau. It may seem counterintuitive (unreasonable or the opposite of what you’d expect), but listening to English podcasts as white noise while you do other tasks actually helps your brain to get used to the language. Diese wöchentliche englische Podcast-Serie ist eine Ode an die bizarre und wundervolle Welt der Belanglosigkeiten und Fun Facts. FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Dieser Podcast ist gut geeignet, um zum einen Ihr Hörverständnis und zum anderen Ihr Wissen über die amerikanische Popkultur zu verbessern.

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